It it really important to take care of your face as our looks do matter in this modern world, but using modern products on face is not good in long run, they had modern facial products had thier sided affects. So we present you some really wonderful natural face masks.
Cucumber helps in toning the skin. The wonderful and remarkable properties of Cucumber is that it makes skin whiter, cleanse the skin, tightens pores,eliminate acne , tone the skin,remove spots and freckles.
Cucumber mask (for dry skin)
Mix a small cucumber roots with a cup of oatmeal and a tablespoon of yogurt characteristics. Apply a thick layer of the skin and let it in 30 minutes. Then wash with warm water and leave to dry.
Cucumber mask (for oily skin)
Mix the whipped glair with two tablespoons of cucumber juice. Mix well and put a mask on the face, soak it for 15-20 minutes then rinse off with water (preferably mineral water). This facial mask is great for oily skin, it refreshes, smooths wrinkles and tightens pores.
Honey is not only a common component of many facial masks,Honey has amazing properties that make it perfect for the sensitive skin of the face. describes the “three key valuable honey properties” as a source of antioxidants, antibacterial, and hygroscopic. Hygroscopic means “when exposed to air, it naturally absorbs moisture in from the air.”
It is also will do the job just by itself without any preparations and additional ingredients required. Just take pure honey and apply to your face, lips and hands, if you wish. Allow it to dry for about 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.
Honey mask (for all skin types)
Apply a thin layer of honey to the room temperature moderate to moist skin, and stay that way for 5 minutes. Carefully washed with warm water, then with cold water, then use a towel if it is still stick.
Yogurt is a nutritious food that aids in digestion and provides minerals such as calcium and zinc for strong bones, teeth and immune system. Yogurt also has vast benefits when topically applied to the skin. Always remember when using yogurt on the face: Make sure that it is plain and has live active cultures for best results.
Yogurt mask (for oily skin)
Mix a half cup of yogurt for yeast. Apply to face in the circle for such of 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Banana is rich in vitamin A and potassium. Tha natuarlnourishing and moisturizing skin care ingredient.
Banana face masks help keep skin super soft and smooth.
Banana mask (anti aging)
Crushing a ripe banana until it is smooth and apply a thin layer on the surface. Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water and pat dry. Your skin is soft and smooth!
Banana and yogurt mask (for dry skin)
Crushed 1 / 4 ripe banana, then mix with half cup of yogurt and a teaspoon of honey. Apply a thin layer on face and leave for 10 minutes then rinse with warm water. Your skin will be moisturized and smooth.
Avocados are Mother Nature's skin moisturizer. With their healthy fats and phytonutrients, they offer remarkable benefits to human skin
Avocado mask (for all skin types)
A ripe mashed avocado until creamy smooth it, then apply a thick layer on the surface. While waiting 15 minutes to dry the mask, you can add two pieces of cucumber on the eyes. Rinse with warm water, then cold water and leave dry.
Oatmeal is great at exfoliating so removes any dead skin. It can also help with dry skin that itches too. In fact, the amino acids that is in oatmeal also has anti-ageing properties. It can your body to produce collagen, which can help to make you look younger. Its why you find it in so many anti-ageing creams. In fact, collagen is also used in some cosmetic surgery such as for plumping up the lips, but you dont need to go to all that trouble when your trusty old oatmeal can help you.
Oatmeal mask (for oily skin)
Mix two tablespoons of unprocessed oats with a medication spoon of salt (baking powder - baking soda), then add a little water to make it more dense. Apply through circle on moisture the skin then rinse with warm water.
lemon mask can be a great choice for its skin healing elements. It is an excellent choice for people who have oily skin or a pimple prone skin. This mask will act as a natural cleansing agent and make you feel refreshed. As the dirt and dusts will be removed from your skin gently, it will make your skin appear brighter. Though lemon mask includes all natural ingredients and does not leave any side-effect on skin, people with dry skin are generally not recommended this, as it can make their skin extremely dry.
Lemon juice mask (for all skin types)
This mask helps reduce the dark marks on the skin. Mix half the lemon water with egg white. Then apply a thin layer on the surface. When dry, it will be a little bit hard, leave it overnight then rinse with warm water in the morning.