Saturday, June 2, 2012

5 Years and 900+ Posts on International Higher Education Consulting Blog

Just over five years ago, on February 4, 2007, I decided to start International Higher Education Consulting Blog (aka IHEC Blog) and put up my first post "Initiatives in 2006 to Increase Diversity in Education Abroad". I didn't know what I was doing (a quick look at the URL <> I came up with demonstrates that!) but I knew I wanted to create my own international education space on the internet where I could inform, provoke, engage and archive. I hope I have done that...

IHEC Blog pushed me to create related internet properties and I have enjoyed playing in these spaces as well. I've met many great people along the way. Some I have met in person and for some our paths have yet to cross!

IHEC Blog has gone farther than I ever imagined. Today, IHEC Blog is one of five blogs worldwide selected by the New York Times editors to feed into the 'Headlines Around the Web' area of the International Education section of the New York Times online.

I've been doing much thinking about IHEC Blog the last several months and where to take it next. Any significant changes will come after I complete my dissertation which takes a long time to complete when you have a full-time job and three young children so later in 2012 oR early 2013 is now the target. I do hope to have more guest bloggers and perhaps a regular contributor join the fun [more on this development once finally confirmed] and I'm very excited for this to happen!

Thanks to everyone who has come along for the ride and I look forward to more years to come!